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Est-ce une autre arnaque du type nigérien ? - 13 octobre 2008

Your parcel with UPS
EHCO Ventures Limited - United Parcel Service Nigeria

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Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2024 02:41:03 +0100
From: EHCO Ventures Limited <>
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I was astonished when I learn't you have not recieved the Cheque/Bank Draft which I gave
instruction to have them sent to you and I really appreciate your assistance which brought
about my great success in transfering the mone  with the help of another partner in paraguay.
Meanwhile, I made an arrangement 	with my Account Officer at Bank of America who advice me
on opening 	an ATM Account for you which will enable you withdraw the compensation fee
of $1,200,000 from any ATM Machine or Cash Point across the globe and being a global bank,
I have to adhere to his advice.
Due to my sudden business trips, I couldn't contact you immediately and I had to drop the
ATM Card with all necessary instructions and Security Code in a parcel with United Parcel
Service (UPS) Nigeria and you are to contact them with the following information as stated
below for re-affirmation and to ensure a safe delivery.
Full Name: ...........................
Address: .............................
Phone Number: ........................
You are to contact them with the information as stated below immediately so as avoid the
issue of demurrage.
United Parcel Service Nigeria
Tel: +234-806-098-2423 or 009234-806-098-2423
Note that I have instructed UPS on your behalf to this effect and being a trusted Courier
Provider, get in touch with them and they will ensure you get the parcel. I will contact
you as soon as possible and it will be my pleasure to hear that the parcel has been
delivered to you. Thanks once again for all your effort during the course of the transfer.
EHCO Ventures Limited

    AVIS : Si vous recevez un tel courriel, demandez-vous les questions suivantes :

  • Connaissez-vous cette personne ?
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    Votre adresse ne figure même pas dans la case envoyer "À: Aucun"
  • IMPORTANT - Tout laisse croire à une tentative de fraude. N'y répondez surtout pas !
    Veuillez aviser vos autorités locales.

Par René Leclerc,, Lundi le 13 octobre 2008

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