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Est-ce une autre arnaque du type Nigéria ? - 21 janvier 2005

Mr.Paul Kumalo, Nigeria

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From the Desk of: Mr.Paul Kumalo
{Commercial Banking (South)}
Chartered Bank Plc, Nigeria.
E-mail :
Dear Friend,
My name is Mr.Paul Kumalo {Commercial Banking (South)}. with Chartered
Bank Plc,Nigeria. Lagos-Nigeria.I came to know about you in my private
search for a reliable person/company to handle a confidential
transaction on behalf of my Colleagues and myself.
l write in respect of a foreign customer with A/C
number:14-2558-2004,who unfortunately lost his life in the plane crash
of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 which crashed on January 31 2000,
including his wife and only daughter leaving nobody to claim the money.
You shall 
read more news about the crash on visiting this site;
The owner of this account Mr. Morris Thompson an American and great
industrialist and a resident of Alaska.Since the death of this our
customer Mr. Morris Thompson, I have kept a close monitoring of the
deposit records and accounts since then. Nobody has come forward to
claim the money in this A/C as next of kin to the late Mr. Morris
Thompson. The total amount in the account US$13 million and it is a
domiciliary escrow bank account.It is only an insider,the account owner
or a  next of kin who has information about the account that could
produce the Code or password of the deposit particulars. Also the funds
can only be released to a foreigner.
As it stands now, there is nobody in the position to produce the needed
information other than my very self-considering my position in the
bank.Based on the fact that Mr. Thompson's family perished in the same
flight accident, leaving no one to put claim of the deposit as the next
of kin,so I am seeking for your co-operation to present you as the next
of kin to late Thompson, and arrange for the release of the funds to
your honour for our mutual benefit.
If there is more delay in moving this money out, this money will be
pushed to the Treasury of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I am willing
to share this money with you in the ratio of 60 -40%. You shall have 40%
of the funds and I shall share the rest with my partner at the bank.I
hope this is a fair sharing?
I look forward to hearing from you urgently so that we can proceed
accordingly.Kindly forward your urgent response to this is my private
e-mail { }
Thanks and best Regards.
{Commercial Banking (South)}.

Par René Leclerc,, Vendredi le 21 janvier 2005

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